Change the world

Copyright & the Internet

  • You may print out a copy for your personal or private use but you may not make further copies for students without permission from the rights’ owner.
  • Always read the COPYRIGHT NOTICE or TERMS of USE before you download, store or make multiple copies. If there is no statement, request permission from the site owner or author – most sites provide contact details.
  • The Internet is subject to the same copyright law as printed sources.

Fair dealing applies in the digital as well as the analogue environment (Mrs. M. Seeber – ANFASA (Academic & non-fiction authors’ association of South Africa).

Copying for e-Journals, online database or CD-ROM

  • Copyright licenses will have specific TERMS & CONDITIONS of use and these will vary for each product.
  • It is therefore advisable to read the TERMS & CONDITIONS prior to copying and / or disseminating the material.
  • If possible, quote the appropriate URL and allow the students to consult the source material online.

Scanning printed material for electronic use

Guidelines for dissemination of electronic material:

  • Where transient electronic copies are made (scanned / downloaded into electronic reserves) a license or permission must be obtained prior to posting (Rights Administrator – DALRO). Copying without permission constitutes an infringement of copyright
  • Copyright licenses must be renewed annually or the electronic study material removed at the end of the academic year. It is the lecturer’s responsibility to remove the study material they place on the Intranet

Please ensure that a current license or permission is displayed as proof of compliance.